Welcome Home July 2022 Rite of Return Initiates

In Loving Memory of Adam Rauma and Jason Michael Dobrusin, as well as all of our brothers and sisters that never came home or never fully landed, their families and loved ones.

Chris, Carrie, Teri, Trevor, Samantha, Taylor, and Carol,

You courageously journeyed to the depths of the wilderness within to lay down what no longer serves by root and branch.

Crossed the threshold courageously to reclaim your truth, your wisdom, your gifts.

To bring your True Self back to the people.

So our community can be made whole through your Rite of Return.

Strong as an O.A.K.

Thank you for your courage, your scars, your service, and wild joy.


With a deep bow of gratitude we thank…

Our mentor and VR Co-Founder Larry Hobbs and Susan Hobbs

VR Co-Founder Mark Oravsky and Amanda Oravsky

VR Board Chair, Witness, Photographer John Crary and Barbara Whiteside Crary

VR Rite of Passage Guide and Witness Mitchell Brookman and Kristi Brookman

Trebbe Johnson and her Radical Joy for Hard Times

Stellar Basecamp Assistants Semba and Nicholas Mojan (with sidekick Cara)

The VR Welcome Committee Dan Medoff and VR Rite of Passage Guide Jessica Goree

Field Queen Kristina Brown for all her intense work in preparing this ceremony for the land

The Marie Bed & Breakfast in Olympia, WA

The entire lineage and spirit of the Wilderness Guides Council

The WA State Department of Natural Resources and the Kittitas Valley Fire Department

Wild Cove Farm

The entire VR board (Paul and Sara!), community of initiates, friends, vets, partners, and DONORS!

With reverence we acknowledge we have the privilege to gather and heal on unceeded ancestral lands of the Psch-wan-wap-pams (stony ground people), also known as the Kittitas band of the Yakama or Upper Yakama, whose people, spirits, and stories are still living and thriving today.