Lift Your Head Up
Lift your head up Queen
Lift your head up King
People gon’ be mean
So in between
Walk with your head held high
Make a connection with the sky
It’s alright to let out a deep sigh
‘Cuz things will be alright
If not now, very soon
It can just be a matter of the moon
It’s placement or displacement
Just keep your head lifted
Don’t settle for complacent
You suppose to grow
You are here to glow
If things haven’t changed
Keep your head lifted for the show
Not for anyone else
Only to become your best self
No matter the circumstance
Keep your head lifted
Give your Being a chance
With your head lifted
So will your spirit be
With these two lifted
You can get through anything
Just Keep Going
There will come a time when u want to stop
When you want to hide
When you will break your stride
There will be times when no one is around
When all you feel is down
When all u wear is a frown
In this moment
Take this moment
And tell yourself
I must keep going
I must keep growing
I must keep glowing
These words alone
Will sit you back on your throne
You will find your way home
But you gotta make this known
Tell yourself “I got this”
“Yes, I am great”
This place you are at is not your fate
It’s just a state
Navigate through it
Tell yourself “I will do it”
It’s just a stop
Something like a hop
You are headed to your destiny
This I need you to believe
Just keep going
Please keep knowing
You are great!
It’s just now showing
You Are Not Alone
You are not alone
I am here with you
You don’t need many
Maybe one or two
Keep your friends close
Sometimes they do the most
But when times get tough
You, your friends, and family
Should take a toast
Cheer it on
Don’t be alone
When you feel blue
Have someone near you
Let’s take it higher
To a higher power
Sometimes you don’t need the physical
Cuz sometimes humans devour...
So call on a higher power
I’m talking ‘bout in your darkest hour
Quiet time
And grateful thoughts
These are some things that brought me out
So from one star to the other
You are not alone
I am your sister, your mother, and brother
I am everything that you need
In your darkest hour
Call on me
The Light
Gaybriel Rockett joined the Navy from E. St. Louis, Illinois to discover the roads less traveled. Today, she is a modern day pioneer, published author, elementary school teacher, entrepreneur and much more. Her words are her story and a blueprint to living and healing.