Spring Equinox 2024
Dear Friends of the wild places,
The spring is now making its way towards emergence and winter’s last hold is inviting us to name what dreams are ready to sprout. Or might we wonder whether some things might be lying dormant waiting to re-emerge. The time of hibernation is ending and the quiet stirring we are feeling both inwardly and outwardly is a sense of hope. And the surge of life force flowing through our veins is warming us towards renewal.
The winter’s darkness is finally yielding to the light of spring and the dead of winter now begins to give rise to the new life.
As the first crowning of the tentative new growth appears, we begin to sense the excitement of the possibilities that lie ahead. And we begin to follow the pull toward the sunlight of personal growth fed by the rays of visions and dreams. There is a lure in the spring to expand into the creative that is now longing to be expressed.
Spring spurs the verdant miracles upward in a subtle explosion as the earth gives way to the new birthing. Just as in nature we are wired to grow and bloom and just as in nature we reflect the beauty, the abundance and sacred of the one who created all things.
May you rise to the sacred and wholeness within your self that you might create miracles. This world is in need of miracles. This world is in need of your wholeness.
With heart,
“Tell me, what will you do with your one wild and precious life?”
Mary Oliver